Writing an action packed start, part 3
In another universe, our hero, or a fool, depending on what you think of him jumping out of a moving helicopter, is languishing in the sand. Lying there, afraid to move, I honestly believed that was just the stupidest thing I'd ever done. Aside from the fact I could see we were about to be blown to kingdom come by a rocket, I had that split second to decide if I wanted to be incinerated, or in possession of 206 broken bones. I guess I was assuming I'd survive the landing. After all the helicopter was only about twenty to thirty feet above the ground and not moving very fast, in fact, it was slowing, and turning away, when the pilot saw the rocket launcher. I could hear the crackling of fire not far from me, a result of the helicopter hitting the ground. It wasn't a large explosion, and certainly not accompanied by a hail of red-hot metal parts. Not yet. I moved and it hurt. Understandable. But there didn't seem to be any broken bones, which was not...