Being Inspired, maybe - 88
A picture paints ... well, as many words as you like. For instance: And, then, the words: The invitation arrived at the editor's office and he had summoned me, Thinking it was for another bollocking, it was a surprise to learn it was the date and time I was to join two other reporters to tour the facility behind the wall. Speculation was rife about what was there. That speculation was about to be dispelled by what was being described in our newspapers as the three wise reporters. I would have gone with monkeys but kept that to myself. There were so many myths out there, surrounding the building some said was a portal to another world, the visible part of a huge interstellar starship, or just a museum. The impenetrable security at the site fuelled those outlandish theories because people preferred to think their government was more interested in hiding something terrible than to acknowledge it might just be something very ordinary. I ...