Being Inspired, maybe - 92
A picture paints ... well, as many words as you like. For instance: And, then, the words: Stations, and particularly for me, railway stations had a special meaning. It was not the practicality of the place, where many, many passengers began or ended their journey, whether to or from a holiday or place of work or something else. It was not the fact many people worked there, in the cafe, as ticket sellers or collectors, as station assistants helping with the mail, parcels or other types of freight, or just there to assist passengers. For me, it was a reminder of an ending, an end to the life I once knew and had hoped would last forever. It was where I said bon-voyage to a very special person, hoping as the train pulled out of the station it was not a goodbye. Three months later I received a text message that said, basically, she was not coming back, that she had met someone special. Oddly enough I was at the very same station when I received th...