Being inspired, maybe – 45
A picture paints ... well, as many words as you like. For instance: And, then, the words: Every morning I took the same route, a creature of habit my ex-girlfriend, Christine, once told me, along with other so-called home truths before she left. Basically, she called me boring. I tried to explain that routine was important, but she was a more spontaneous sort of person. But it never occurred to me that someone might take that routine I took for granted, and use it against me. Not until I stumbled over Christine's body, in the park, along the route of my morning run. It was a part of the park that was not used very often, at least I'd never seen anyone there when I went for my morning and nightly run, and put there in such a way as to make a statement. I didn't recognize her at first, such was the transformation the killer had made (or she had, because she was training to be an actor in the movies, or so she told me) and when I did, I felt a...