Being inspired, maybe – 78

A picture paints ... well, as many words as you like. For instance: And, then, the words: I was not one for naming flowers but the ones growing in front of me, what looked like part of a maze, were hydrangeas. I knew that because my mother grew them in her garden, but not on the same grand scale at this horticultural masterpiece. I tried to guess how long it would take to build as sophisticated a maze in an acre. Too long. And it was distracting me from the conversation that didn't really interest me. I told her I didn't care about the fellow she'd hit, and floored, though it gave me a little pleasure to see him laid out and by a woman no less. This was despite the fact I knew she was very effective in self-defence and hand to hand combat. She had cajoled me into joining her for one of her training sessions, and that's where I discovered she was a formidable opponent. But, in spite of that, and other warning signals now going of...