I've always wanted to go on a Treasure Hunt - Part 12
Here’s the thing... Every time I close my eyes, I see something different. I’d like to think the cinema of my dreams is playing a double feature but it’s a bit like a comedy cartoon night on Fox. But these dreams are nothing to laugh about. Once again there's a new instalment of an old feature, and we’re back on the treasure hunt. Feeling a little miffed at Boggs’ dismissal, I decided to go on my own fact-finding mission. Of course, it depended a lot on whether the Cossatino's still hung out at the same bar, and whether I’d get a foot in the door. I was going to talk to Nadia, or at least try to. The Lantern Inn was about as far from the image the name threw up, it was more a place where respectable people wouldn’t be caught dead in. And, as I recall, a few had. Seemingly respectable people anyway. It was the place to go if you were looking for three things, not necessarily all at once, trouble, girls, and drugs. Soggy, a friend of Boggs and I, had...