Was it just another surveillance job - Episode 48
I'm back home and this story has been sitting on the back burner for a few months, waiting for some more to be written. The trouble is, there are also other stories to write, and I'm not very good at prioritizing. But, here we are, a few minutes opened up and it didn't take long to get back into the groove. Chasing leads, maybe ... Dobbin is looking for O'Connell ... “You haven’t been truthful with me, have you?” That was Dobbin’s opening shot once we were in the car and out in traffic. It was as if he was worried someone would be listening in on our conversation. “Says the spider to the fly. Isn’t it the nature of this business not to play all your cards at once?” “You’ve been in this business all of five minutes. You don’t get the right to play cards.” “I’m still alive, no thanks to anyone but my own skill.” I could see the disdain in his expression, and the annoyance in his eyes. Perhaps he was a man used to getting is own way. I was expecting a re...