Being Inspired, maybe - 104
A picture paints ... well, as many words as you like. For instance:
And, then, the words:
© Charles Heath 2020
And, then, the words:
It was a small town
that we had visited once, some years ago, that had enticed me back.
Those had been happier
times, times when the stench of money hadn't overtaken sensibility, and who we
really were.
Not that I had changed
all that much, except for the upper west side apartment, and posh car to go
with it, but what had disappointed me was the change in Liz, the woman I
thought once as the love of my life.
Without the trappings of
wealth, she was the kindest, most thoughtful and generous person I knew, but
that had changed when I became the recipient of an inheritance that beggared
belief. We both made a promise from the outset that it would not
change us, but unfortunately, it did.
And that was probably the main reason why I was standing outside an old fixer-upper house on several
acres overlooking the ocean.
I'd asked Liz to come, but
she was having a weekend away in Las Vegas with her new friends or as one of
the ladies rather salaciously said, a what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas kind
of weekend.
Charmaine had told me
about the house, one that she had admired for a long time, but didn't have the
means to buy it.
Charmaine was a painter,
a rather good one and both Liz and I had met her on a weekend away upstate,
and I'd bought one of her landscapes to hang in our new
apartment. Liz hated it, but I think that had more to do with the
painter than the painting and that was because Charmaine had flirted with me,
and that, I had observed over time, was how she was with everyone.
She called it her sales
technique. After all, it had worked on me.
I listened to the
auctioneer go through the rules of the action and then move on to a physical
description of the property. I'd been to several viewings and got a
good idea of what was needed if I was to buy it. It had good
foundations and had suffered from a lack of TLC. It was how the auctioneer
summed up.
When he called for the
first bid, I felt a hand slip into mine, and a glance sideways showed it to be
Charmaine. I had asked her along for support but she had something
else to do, but it appeared now, she hadn't.
"So," she
whispered next to my ear, "you were serious about this place?"
I had been dithering, not
being able to make my mind up, but Liz, in the end, made the decision for
me. I'd overheard a snippet of conversation with one of her new
friends, and, to be honest, I'd been surprised.
"Perhaps it was time
to find a hideaway."
"Things that
shrugged. "Maybe I'm writing too much into it. At
any rate, I needed an excuse to get out of town, and being here was as good as
The first bid came in at
450,000. I knew the reserved was about 700,000, and I was prepared
to 850,000. But I was hoping to spend less than that because the
renovations would be about 250,000.
"We could go and
have a picnic. It'll certainly cost less than buying this
"I'm here now."
Holding hands was just
one of Charmaine's 'things', and I had never written anything into what might
have been called a relationship of sorts. We were not lovers, and
the conversation had never been steered in that direction, but I did find myself
gravitated towards her when Liz was off doing her thing with her
friends. To be honest, I just liked the idea of a picnic and
watching Charmaine paint her landscapes.
I raised the bid to
500,000. Another from the previous bidder,
550,000. Another at 600,000. It seems there were three
bidders for the property. The other sixteen people attending were
observers, probably locals interested in how this would help their property
I went 625,000 when the
auctioneer changed the increment after a lack of bidding. It was
countered, moving to 650,000. Another at 657,000, and then the first
bidder went to 700,000, the reserve.
"You do realize the
other bidders are friends of the owner and are there to push the price
up?" Charmaine whispered in my ear.
I'd heard of it
happening, but I'd not suspected it until she mentioned it.
"Going once, going
twice at 700,000." The auctioneer looked at
me. "I'll accept 10,000 increments."
nodded. 710,000. It quickly moved to 800,000, after I bid
The auctioneer looked at
me expectantly. "810,000, sir?"
That was more than I
wanted to spend though an elbow in the ribs was the clincher, and when I
declined, there was an air of disappointment.
"Going once, going
twice, all done at 800,000?" A look around the crowd confirmed
we were all done, and the gavel came down.
"Looks like we're
going on a picnic," she said. "I'd expect a call in an
hour or so."
Two things happened that
weekend, both of which surprised me. The first, Charmaine was right,
I did get a call, and finished up with a hideaway in the country, overlooking
the ocean. The second, Liz didn't come back from Las
Vegas. She had apparently found someone new, someone more exciting,
or so she said.
I guess I was
disappointed but not overly concerned. She had changed and I had not
and if the truth be told, we were drifting apart. We parted
amicably, sold the apartment, and moved on, each in a different direction.
I had a new residence,
and renovations to take my mind off the break-up, and when I told Charmaine,
she was just said she didn't believe we were that perfect match. And
in the light of my new status, I could now ask her to come and stay in the
spare bedroom, a lot better, I said, than the one person tent she had been
using, an offer she readily accepted.
Until, a year later, it
became something more than that.
© Charles Heath 2020
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